Showing 167 results
James Spratt
Consultant Interventional Cardiologist
Jason Han
Integrated Cardiac Surgery Resident
Fausto Rigo
Abstract Heart Podcast
British Junior Cardiologists’ Association
Gulf Heart Association
RecordedCardioAlex - 2016
CardioAlex is delighted to invite you to our innovative and revolutionary educational...
ASD closure
**Morphology of atrial septum for device closure** >> Karen McCarthy **Role of RT3D...
Echo Series - Left and Right Ventricles: Basic to Advanced Assessment
The Gulf Heart Association (GHA) is proud to present the Echo series to provide online...
Videos on-demand
Case 6 - Tarek Salem
Summary Case 6 presented by Tarek Salem
Imaging the Right Heart in Pulmonary Hypertension: Part 1 - Echo
Glass view. TEE approach. Transparency of cardiac structures allows color flow to easy detect the leak location and extension.