AM Case 1: Valve-in-Valve TMVR with Tip to Base LAMPOON

936 views | 22 Aug 2022

The Emory Percutaneous Intervention Course is the longest running annual interventional cardiology event in the world. Based on the teachings of founder Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, EPIC has provided...

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User Adam Greenbaum uploaded avatar

Adam Greenbaum, MD, joined Emory after serving at Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Institute in Detroit, Michigan for...

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User Dr. Azeem Latib uploaded avatar

Works at Montefiore Medical Center, New York, NY, US. Features in 40 videos on Wondr Medical. Azeem Latib generally...

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User Vasilis Babaliaros uploaded avatar

Vasilis Babaliaros, MD is Professor of Medicine and Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine, and Co-Director...

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