A Clear Win To Managing Hypertension Patients (EuroPCR follow up)​

Tuesday 25th May I 18:30 CET / 12:30 ET

In recent years renal denervation (RDN) has become an essential treatment option in the fight against hypertension. New evidence has been presented at EuroPCR 2021 in support of RDN.

We will follow up with RDN experts to summarise the data presented at EuroPCR, focusing on the latest real world clinical data illustrating safety and durability and to determine which patients will benefit from RDN:WIN.

Meet the speakers

Flavio Ribichini

Prof. Flavio L. Ribichini is Full Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Director of the...

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Felix Mahfoud

Professor Felix Mahfoud is an Associate Professor and senior physician of Internal Medicine and...

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Roland Schmieder

Professor of Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Hypertension, Head of the Clinical Research Centre...

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RDN:WIN. A Clear Win To Managing Hypertension Patients (EuroPCR follow up)

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