CORE 2021: Live case 1 & 2: MVD Case physiology - defining target lesion, bystander disease, INOCA patient - how to perform full physiology

188 views | 11 Aug 2021
Optima Education

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At Optima Education we believe that medical education can be better. Technology is changing and with it the way that we learn. We believe that ideas, concepts and techniques can, and should, be...

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Initials AL of Andrew Lucking AL

An interventional cardiologist at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University, Oxford, UK. Features in 4 videos on...

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User Giovanni Luigi De Maria uploaded avatar

An interventional cardiology consultant at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals, Oxford, UK. Features...

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Initials JT of Jacob Thomsen Lønborg JT

A consultant/attending at Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark. Features in 1 video on...

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User Thomas Engstrøm uploaded avatar

Thomas Engstrøm is a professor and senior consultant in the Department of Invasive Cardiology at The Heart Center,...

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