Class 1 - The Challenges of Calcium & Unmet Needs in Coronary Calcium

2,285 views | 23 Apr 2021
Shockwave IVL

205 videos

Simplify your procedures with Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) by safely modifying intimal and medial calcium to achieve optimal outcomes while minimising trauma, complications and costs due to its...

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User Prof. James Spratt uploaded avatar

James Spratt Professor of Interventional cardiology with a sub-speciality interest in complex PCI, intravascular...

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User Dr Peter O'Kane uploaded avatar

Dr Peter O’Kane graduated from Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School in 1995 with First Class Honours Bachelor...

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User Dr. Robert Riley uploaded avatar

Dr. Riley is an Interventional Cardiologist specializing in the care of patients with complex and high-risk coronary...

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User Robert Yeh uploaded avatar

Robert W. Yeh, MD MSc is Associate Chief of Interventional Cardiology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and...

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