How Shockwave IVL is Impacting Calcium Treatment in the UK

52 views | 29 Apr 2021
Shockwave IVL

205 videos

Simplify your procedures with Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) by safely modifying intimal and medial calcium to achieve optimal outcomes while minimising trauma, complications and costs due to its...

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User Andreas Baumbach uploaded avatar

Andreas Baumbach is Chair of Device Innovation and Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at the Barts Heart Centre...

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User Ian Webb uploaded avatar

An interventional cardiologist at Kings College London, UK. Features in 2 videos on Wondr Medical. Ian Webb generally...

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User Jonathan Hill uploaded avatar

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and Revascularisation Group Chair at Royal Brompton Hospital, London. His...

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User Dr. Margaret McEntegart uploaded avatar

After training in Scotland, Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at CUMC, and Clinical Research Fellowship at Harvard...

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Andrew McColm

How can I get Shockwave IVL treatment