Essential skills: How to Determine the Cardiac Axis

12,616 views | 26 Oct 2017
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Cardiac Axis 

This is a somewhat overcomplicated concept and is frequently irrelevant to clinical practice. There are only three main areas where identifying cardiac axis has clinical...

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User Prof. Andrew Sharp uploaded avatar

Prof Andrew Sharp qualified from Edinburgh Medical School in 1998 and is Professor of Cardiology at the University...

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Initials MA of Muhammad Arshad MA
Dr. Muhammad Arshad
Medical Doctor, University Health Network Toronto General Hospital

Excellent and easy to remember explanation

Initials CS of Carlos A Selmonosky CS
Dr Carlos A Selmonosky
Life Sciences, Inova Fairfax Hospital

R ups Left.  Looking at each other Right

User Chris Gale uploaded avatar
Professor Chris Gale
Medical Doctor, Leeds General Infirmary


Initials AN of Aboobacker N Kunnil AN
Dr Aboobacker N Kunnil
Health Management, Alarif heart&children medical centre


Initials MD of Maryam Dast MD
Mrs. Maryam Dast
Nurses, Rashid Hospital

A piece of cake!!! Informative & easy to understand . Thank you so much.

Initials YB of Yamilah Bouzid YB
DR Yamilah Bouzid
Medical Doctor, Hospital Cima


Initials SP of Sherrif Gerald Peralta SP
Sherrif Gerald Peralta
Other Health Professionals

Simple and straightforward

Initials AG of Abdul Gaffar AG
Dr. Abdul Gaffar
Life Sciences, Pharhealth Technologies inc

Initials AG of Abdul Gaffar AG
Dr. Abdul Gaffar
Life Sciences, Pharhealth Technologies inc

Thank you for simple but informative tutorial on ECG

Initials SA of Shwe Yamin Au SA
Shwe Yamin Au
Other Health Professionals

Initials MA of Mohamad Alwesy MA
Mohamad Alwesy
Other Health Professionals


Initials sS of sohasohail Shaikh sS
sohasohail Shaikh
Other Health Professionals

It ' s bast for me

Initials JS of JaneAlam Riaz Sohaila Alam JS
JaneAlam Riaz Sohaila Alam
Other Health Professionals


Initials VA of Vishnu Agarwal VA
Vishnu Agarwal
Other Health Professionals

Easy to revise.

Initials OK of Oukeo KV OK
Oukeo KV
Other Health Professionals

very good

Initials MH of Mar Htay MH
Dr. Mar Htay
Other Health Professionals

Very clear discussion and useful in practice.Thankyou doctor.

Initials PS of Pervin Surti PS
Pervin Surti
Other Health Professionals

Very valuable information thankyou Doctor

Initials VK of Vladimir Kolesnik VK
Vladimir Kolesnik
Other Health Professionals

Initials YD of Yulia Drob YD
Yulia Drob
Other Health Professionals

Initials DP of Dhananjay Punekar DP
Dhananjay Punekar
Other Health Professionals

Nice information

Initials AA of Aamir Amin AA
Dr. Aamir Amin
Other Health Professionals

Thank you for this lovely lecture !

Initials MS of Maria Sabatini MS
Maria Sabatini
Other Health Professionals

Pacing ecg

Initials EG of Elizabeth Goh EG
Dr. Elizabeth Goh
Medical Doctor, Queen Alexandra Hospital

Easy to understand and gets your attention for the whole 20 mins

Initials HG of Harol Felipe García Arévalo HG
Harol Felipe García Arévalo
Other Health Professionals

really good class

Initials NM of Neeraj Manikath NM
Dr Neeraj Manikath
Medical Doctor

wonderfully simple for undergraduate teaching