IVUS case review

148 views | 19 Oct 2020
Simple Education

1,189 videos

Simple Education, is a leading provider of coronary physiology and intracoronary imaging courses to aid treatment of complex coronary artery disease.

User Prof. Andrew Sharp uploaded avatar

Prof Andrew Sharp qualified from Edinburgh Medical School in 1998 and is Professor of Cardiology at the University...

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User Habib Samady uploaded avatar

Dr Habib Samady is an interventional cardiologist and serves as President of the Georgia Heart Institute, the heart...

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User Dr. Justin Davies uploaded avatar

Dr Justin Davies is a honorary 
interventional cardiologist at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust,...

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User Michael Haude uploaded avatar

An interventional cardiologist at Municipal clinics Neuss, Lukas hospital GmbH, Neuss, Germany. Features in 4 videos...

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User Dr. Rasha Al-Lamee uploaded avatar

Dr Rasha Al-Lamee is an Interventional Cardiology Consultant at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in London, UK....

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Initials ZA of Zaid Alirhayim ZA
Dr. Zaid Alirhayim
Medical Doctor, Bahrain Specialist Hospital

great case presentations