ESH 2023. Key Takeaways from Key Opinion Leaders. Part 2.

165 views | 04 Jul 2023

427 videos

Hypertension and Renal Denervation. This resource helps non-invasive cardiologists, hypertension specialists, general practitioners, and nephrologists understand the benefits of Renal Denervation...

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User Guido Grassi uploaded avatar

A professor of cardiology at Clinica Medica of the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy. Features in 31 videos...

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User Joachim Weil uploaded avatar

Prof. Dr. Weil is Director of the Cardiovascular center at the Sana Clinic in Lübeck. His clinical focus is...

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User Prof Konstantinos Tsioufis uploaded avatar

Dr. Tsioufis, Professor of Cardiology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Director of the Hypertension...

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User Markus Schlaich uploaded avatar

Prof Markus Schlaich is a renal physician and a European Society of Hypertension (ESH) accredited hypertension...

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