Gulf Heart Association

Vision & Aim
• Raising the standard of cardiac care in the GCC states
• Conduct scientific conferences and symposiums
• Carry on scientific research on cardiovascular diseases
• Publish professional periodicals and information
• Create professional, educational, and social ties among members of the GHA
• Create links and cooperation locally and with international medical institutions and professional societies
• GHA hopes to establish criteria for GCC cardiovascular specialists to meet high standards of competence and expertise.
• GHA seeks to suggest laws to be adopted by the GCC countries for the prevention of cardiac disease and advance the care of patients with heart disease
COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases
Pulmonary Hypertension

Moving PHoward to Improve Prognosis of PAH Patients - Management Strategy

Gulf Heart Association

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is it still Perceived as a Rare Disease ?

Gulf Heart Association

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension is it still Perceived as a Rare Disease ?