Calcium Masterclass
Welcome to your new destination for holistic calcium education – a comprehensive collection of the world’s best calcium operators having live dialogue, debate and case-sharing while reviewing a new 14-chapter calcium compendium developed in partnership with Optima Education.

Discover the answers to these FAQs by clicking on the questions below.
Is coronary arterial calcium equally common in men and women?
How does IVL differ when used in concentric and eccentric calcified plaques?
What’s the role of imaging in the assessment of calcified coronary lesions?
Can IVL cause damage to the coronary arteries?
How has IVL changed the goals in the management of calcified coronary lesions?
How difficult is it to learn the use of IVL for coronary calcium modification?
How useful is IVL in clinical practice?
When should you consider using IVL for calcium modification and when are other tools more appropriate?
Does IVL replace rotational atherectomy as calcium modification tool?
In which situations should IVL be the calcium modification tool of choice and when should rotational atherectomy be used instead and when should they be used together?
How safe is IVL?