Highlights from the Calcium Masterclass Course

3,640 views | 03 Aug 2022
Shockwave IVL

205 videos

If you've ever asked yourself the following questions, find the answers in the highlights video above.

Is coronary arterial calcium equally common in men and women?

How does IVL differ when used in...

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User Dr. Alfonso Jurado-Román uploaded avatar

Dr Alfonso Jurado-Román is currently Interventional cardiologist at La Paz University Hospital (Madrid). He was...

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User Anja Øksnes uploaded avatar

A consultant interventional cardiologist at Haukeland University Hospital. Features in 1 video on Wondr Medical. Anja...

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User Prof. James Spratt uploaded avatar

James Spratt Professor of Interventional cardiology with a sub-speciality interest in complex PCI, intravascular...

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User Jonathan Hill uploaded avatar

Consultant Interventional Cardiologist and Revascularisation Group Chair at Royal Brompton Hospital, London. His...

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User Dr. Kambis Mashayekhi uploaded avatar

Dr Kambis Mashayekhi is Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology in Heart Center Lahr in Germany....

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User Dr. Margaret McEntegart uploaded avatar

After training in Scotland, Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at CUMC, and Clinical Research Fellowship at Harvard...

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User Michael Haude uploaded avatar

An interventional cardiologist at Municipal clinics Neuss, Lukas hospital GmbH, Neuss, Germany. Features in 4 videos...

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User Robert Yeh uploaded avatar

Robert W. Yeh, MD MSc is Associate Chief of Interventional Cardiology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and...

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User Simon Wilson uploaded avatar

An interventional cardiologist at St George's Hospital, London UK. Features in 12 videos on Wondr Medical. Simon...

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User Thierry Lefèvre uploaded avatar

Prof. Thierry Lefèvre is Head of the Interventional Cardiology Department and Head of Research at the Cardiovascular...

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Dr Sanjay Srivastava
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Can atherectomy be done during CAG